Today’s reading: Genesis 6:9

“Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God.” (Genesis 6:9)

Although short, Genesis 6:9 contains important information and ultimately a good lesson about living well for God. This verse tells that Noah was righteous. In other words, he was living rightly (good, moral and honorable). Verse 9 also tells us that Noah walked with God, which tells us that Noah had a relationship with God by talking with Him through prayer and committing to following His ways. But right in the middle of the verse we’re told that Noah was blameless, and that word—blameless—is what drew my attention today.

Being blameless makes Noah sound pretty incredible, and I’m confident that he was. But being blameless doesn’t mean that Noah was perfect or that he didn’t sin—only one person can make that claim, and that person is Jesus. That being the case, the identifying/descriptive word blameless lets us know that when Noah sinned (when he messed up, behaved poorly, spoke harsh or unkind words, etc.), he was quick after the fact to recognize his sin and then confess it to God and ask for forgiveness.

I’m thankful for Noah’s story, and particularly the short verse of Genesis 6:9, because of its wonderful example of how to live well for God.

Is it your practice to keep a short account with God regarding your wrong choices, thoughts and/or actions? Why is this important? When we regularly confess our sin and ask for forgiveness, what’s the impact on our relationship with God? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog