Today’s reading: Philippians 4:10-23; Psalm 37:21

There are a quite a few passages in the Bible that let us know that God is pleased when we are generous in our giving. Paul’s commendation to the church in Philippi is certainly evidence of this. “I have received full payment, and more. I am well supplied, having received from Epaphroditus the gifts you sent, a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (vs. 18).

Just as in Paul’s day, people serving the Lord in ministry and ministry organizations in both our local churches and around the world depend on our financial support (our prayer support is important and necessary too). I encourage you to be a generous giver with what God has given to you.

How are you supporting your pastor and local church? What about other people in ministry locally and/or around the world? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog