Today’s reading: Genesis 24:52-67

When I look back over the entire account of Abraham’s pursuit of a suitable wife for Isaac and how every detail of the storyline falls smoothly into place, God’s planning and provision stand out prominently. What a contrast to when I make even simple plans for something, like a day away with my husband, which inevitably includes varying degrees of deviation from our game plan. Not so with God. He has a master plan which contains gazillions of smaller, subparts progressing at all times. And the amazing thing about it all is how He goes before us to put pieces in place, soften hearts and change minds so that His plans are completed.

As Abraham sends his servant in search of a wife for Isaac, God is already on the move preparing the hearts of Rebekah, Laban and Bethuel to receive Abraham’s servant and then accept his proposal. And then when the servant and Rebekah return, we see, once again, how God has softened and prepared the heart of Isaac for Rebekah and Rebekah for Isaac. Only God could accomplish such a smooth and beautiful love story.

How have you observed and/or experienced God working in advance of a situation to bring it to completion? What’s one example where God moved on your behalf (changing someone’s mind, softening a heart, etc.) to bring about an outcome you would have never expected? What did you learn or notice about God from this account? Tami

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Source: Tami’s Blog