Today’s reading: Genesis 24:29-52

As I continued reading the account of Abraham’s servant finding Rebekah as a wife for Isaac, Psalm 145, which we read and considered over the weekend, immediately came to my mind. The predominant message of this psalm is one instructing us to verbally praise God for His greatness and goodness. Psalm 145:6 tells us to speak of God’s awesome deeds and greatness; verse 7 talks of “pouring forth the fame of God’s abundant goodness,” and verse 4 shows us that we should be commending God’s works to one another. So Abraham’s servant models what we just read.

When he arrives at the home of Laban, Rebekah’s brother, the servant boldly proclaims God’s greatness and goodness to Laban and his family, and tells them the specific way in which God directed his path and answered his prayers. He even tells Laban and Bethuel about how he worshipped God after meeting Rebekah. This man was an incredible proponent and witness for God.

Is declaring God’s goodness and greatness to others something you regularly do? How can you be more intentional about this–at work, at school, with your neighbors, when you’re out shopping or filling your car with gas? Will you join me in committing to tell at least one person each day this week about how God has been good to you? Tami

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Source: Tami’s Blog