Today’s reading: Joshua 21:1-21
Although the Levites weren’t allotted their own portion of land, they were given cities and pasturelands among the land given to the different tribes of Israel. So as we read through Joshua 21, we’re given the details about these cities, 48 in all with their pasturelands. Joshua 21 concludes the distribution of all the land to the Israelites. How fitting that when we reach the end of this chapter we find three powerful verses, 43-45, laying out how ALL the promises God had made to Israel had come to fruition.
“Not one word of all the good promises that the LORD had made to the house of Israel had failed; all came to pass” (vs. 45).
What encouragement did you draw from Joshua 21, and why? How has reading the Book of Joshua, and especially verses 43-45 of chapter 21 today, impacted your thinking about trusting God? What have you learned about God’s power, control and timing? Tami
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Source: Tami’s Blog