Today’s reading: Nehemiah 1:1-11

Today we’re starting a new Book–Nehemiah. If you’ve never read Nehemiah, you are in for a treat! This Old Testament Book lays out the account of a portion of the life of the man Nehemiah who is a cupbearer in the court of a foreign king. Nehemiah’s story is such an encouraging one. He didn’t have much going for him as a low ranking servant to King Artaxerxes, but because he was right with God, God used Nehemiah in a mighty way to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem.

As we start today, Nehemiah receives word that Jerusalem’s wall is broken down and its gates have been burned and destroyed by fire. Broken hearted and grieved, Nehemiah takes his concerns to God. He weeps and mourns for days. He fasts and prays about the situation. His prayer, which is recorded in verses 5-11, not only gives us insight into Nehemiah’s heart, but also puts before us a beautiful example of how we can pray. The first two things I notice are that Nehemiah is humble in his approach and has an attitude of complete repentance. I also notice (and love) that he has an obvious knowledge of God’s laws and words, and is able to draw on and use what God has said to His people as he talks with God. And then, as Nehemiah concludes his prayer, he verbalizes his complete trust in God as he asks for Him to move on his behalf.

What information and details did you notice about Nehemiah from chapter 1 (I’m asking because this will give us context for what’s coming in this account)? What’s one thing you learned about approaching God through prayer and/or spending time with God from Nehemiah’s prayer? What stood out to you most from Nehemiah’s prayer and why? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog