Today’s reading: Psalm 74:1-23
When we’re in the middle of a difficult situation, our prayers to God can take on a whiney tone in pretty short order (and I am speaking from experience). So I was thankful for Asaph’s example in Psalm 74. As he petitions God for help, he unquestionably lets God know how bad the situation is, yet he doesn’t approach God with a complaining attitude or convey his request with a whiney tone. Instead Asaph’s approach is one of reverence toward God where he recognizes God for who He is and His power and authority over all. So Asaph approaches God respectfully, tells Him all that is going on and asks for His help. He then concludes his prayer with an expectant call for God to take action in defense of His sovereign plan.
How do you approach God when you pray? Is it your practice to recognize God’s greatness and praise Him for what He has done as part of your prayers? What’s one thing that stood out to you from Asaph’s prayer, and why? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog