Today’s reading: Joshua 5:1-12

After our reading and considering Psalm 38 and its focus on confessing sin over the weekend, the message that came across to me as I took in God’s instructions to Joshua for this new generation of Israelites was again, that consequences follow disobedience. The original group of Israelites who were captives in Egypt and freed by God through Moses were disobedient and disrespectful to God. The result was that they wandered in the Sinai desert for 40 years (A pretty miserable place, by the way. I’ve been there and actually got to “wander” through it for an afternoon which was all the time there I wanted.), and they lost out on experiencing the joy of seeing or entering the Promised Land. Additionally, their sinful attitudes and actions not only impacted their lives, but also impacted the next generation. So this passage was a good reminder for me of the importance of every choice I make, and especially those that have to do with following God’s instruction, direction and leading.

What are some things you do that help you be sensitive and obedient to God’s instruction and leading? How often do you talk with God about understanding and following His plan for your life? Tami

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Source: Tami’s Blog