Today’s reading: Joshua 10:12-14

The fact that Joshua was a bold person of prayer is evidenced by his conversation with God as the Israelites battle the kings of the Amorites who had gathered to attack the Gibeonites.

“At that time Joshua spoke to the LORD. . . in the sight of Israel, ‘Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon.’ And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies” (vs. 12-13).

Joshua’s prayer brought to mind a Bible study group I was involved in a few years back. This group used two of Mark Batterson’s books, Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge and The Circle Maker, both of which encourage readers to have a larger view of God and as a result be bold in how they pray. On Day 13 of the forty day prayer challenge, Mark Batterson writes: “The size of your prayers depends on the size of your God. If your god is small, you’ll pray man-sized prayers. But if your God knows no limits, then neither will your prayers. The God we pray to exists outside the four space-time dimensions He created, and maybe we should pray that way” (Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge, pg. 82).

I believe Joshua’s example models the quote from Mark Batterson above. His prayer in the middle of this intense battle probably struck some of those who heard it as crazy, illogical, or even absurd. But Joshua knew just how BIG God is. And so he didn’t hold back, not even one tiny bit, as he put his bold request before God—and God honored it.

Take some time today to reflect about your view of God, your prayers, and prayer life. When you talk with God and make requests to Him, what does it sound like? Would you describe your prayers as being more “man-sized” or leaning toward crazy bold? Will you join me in asking God to help us see Him as the all-powerful God that He is and pray with boldness and expectation? Tami

P.S. If you are looking for a study that will encourage and strengthen your prayer life, I absolutely suggest Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge. This study changed my perspective on prayer, and I continue to draw from it today. You can work through it alone or with a group.

Source: Tami’s Blog