Today’s reading: 1 John 4:7-21

One of things that brings me joy is to extend love to those I encounter through encouraging words, being kind, offering support, helping with a task or need. And what I’ve come to realize over the past several years is that in order for me to do this well, I must first make sure that I am filled with God’s love because I can’t give away what I don’t possess. So in order for me to be filled with God’s love, I must be deliberate and intentional about spending time reading, studying and considering the Bible and then believing wholeheartedly what I’ve taken in. So this morning, I was thankful for the message woven throughout 1 John 4:7-21 of how being filled with God’s love is a must (a prerequisite) to fulfilling God’s command to love others.

What are you currently doing to make sure that you are filled with God’s love? How does knowing that God loves you–completely and just as you are–help you extend love to those around you? Will you join me in making it our goal to be intentional about extending God’s love to everyone we encounter this week? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog