Today’s reading: John 16:1-33

Jesus being a caring and loving leader is what stood out to me as I took in and considered the conversation Jesus has with His disciples in John 16. Jesus knows exactly what will happen to Him in the coming hours (His crucifixion) and days (His resurrection and return to heaven), so He talks with the disciples in order to prepare them for these events that will be life changing for them in a number of ways.

What I liked most from this passage is what Jesus didn’t do. Let me explain. The disciples don’t comprehend what Jesus is telling them. They have questions but are afraid to voice them to Jesus. Aware of their confusion and reluctance to ask Him to explain His words, Jesus doesn’t respond impatiently or with a harsh tone. Rather, He lovingly lets them know that He is aware of their uncertainty and willingly offers clarification and additional explanation. His tone and actions not only ease their fears but also encourage them about how to respond to what the future holds.

What’s one leadership quality that you noticed in Jesus in this passage? How do you feel when someone leads you with a loving and caring attitude rather than with impatient and critical words? How will you lead with love this week, and whom? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog