Today’s reading: Psalm 46:10; Psalm 37:7

The stillness of our current state of imposed shelter-in-place restrictions has been filling my mind lately. I’m not what you would describe as a “still” person. In fact, I’m quite the opposite. I like being out and about with a never-ending list of tasks to accomplish. All that to say, you can probably guess that I’m struggling with the requirement of staying home and being still.

Yesterday was a difficult day in our household (I’ll spare you the details). So as my head hit the pillow late last night, I talked with God about how much I wasn’t liking this imposed still time and asked Him to help my husband and I do our best for as long as this lasts. When I woke this morning, my thoughts went back to “being still” and specifically to Psalm 46:10, which says:

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

I then did a little searching and landed on Psalm 37:7, which contains a similar message.

“Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the one who prospers in his way, over the man who carries out evil devices!”

My husband and I got a new puppy this past weekend. She is precious and so sweet, but she does not like being still. She wants to be unrestrained so she can interact with and experience her world almost nonstop. When I put her in her carrier for some “still” time, she resists—usually by whining, scratching at the door, or the worst response, full-out crying and howling. As her master I don’t enjoy seeing her in this struggling state, but the actions I’m taking are done with her best interests in mind. Although she doesn’t yet understand it, I know that boundaries and downtime (stillness) are necessary for her to be safe and thrive.

It dawned on me this morning (i.e. God showed me) that I’m not too different from my little puppy when it comes to being still. The message God impressed on my heart is that I need to settle down (be still) and trust Him. While I may not be able to fully understand it now, God doesn’t waste time or any circumstance. I know that He is growing and teaching me through this “being still” time.

How are you doing at “being still” right now? What has God been teaching you through this season of social distancing and sheltering in place? Tami


Source: Tami’s Blog