Today’s reading: Genesis 25:29-34; Proverbs 13:16

Every time I read Genesis 25:29-34, I end up shaking my head as I think to myself, “Really, Esau, what were you thinking?” But therein lies the problem. Esau wasn’t thinking clearly at all. He was physically and emotionally drained after coming in from the field, and he was hungry. Not a good scenario for making important decisions. In fact, research confirms that things like exhaustion, fear, hunger and lack of sleep substantially impact our ability to process things clearly, and in turn, make the best decisions. Esau acted foolishly. He responded impulsively to the physical and emotional stress he was feeling at the moment, and that decision made in a moment of weakness literally changed his future.

Being tired, stressed and hungry are all parts of normal, everyday life. So how do you guard against falling victim to these influencers when you’re faced with making decisions (especially big ones)? Tami

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Source: Tami’s Blog