Today’s reading: Genesis 16:1-16
Sarai’s taking matters into her own hands creates quite a messy situation–for her, for Abram and most certainly for Hagar who didn’t really have a say or choice in the matter. But thankfully, God is much bigger than, and in no way limited by, the messes we find ourselves in.
Hagar was placed in a bad situation by Sarai, and not surprisingly, that situation took a turn for the worse after Hagar got pregnant. So to escape from an angry and bitter Sarai, Hagar runs away into the open countryside, a dangerous and barren place. She was low emotionally and thought she was on her own, but God was right there by her side, guiding, protecting and providing for her.
What messes have you found yourself in–either by a poor decision you made or a poor choice by someone else? How did God guide, protect and/or provide for you in and through one of those messy situations? What did you learn or notice about God from Genesis 16? Tami
Source: Tami’s Blog