Today’s reading: Psalm 140:1-13

What do you do when you find yourself in a bad situation? Is your first instinct to call out to God? Or do you tend to rely on your own thinking and strength? I’ve certainly done both, and I can say with certainty that the best course of action is to ALWAYS look to God first.

David’s words in Psalm 140 reveal that he was experiencing extreme adversity. And in the middle of his struggles and distress, what we see is David calling out to God to protect and deliver him from his adversaries and enemies, who are many. Although his circumstances are dire, he knows that God is aware of all that is taking place, and he trusts God with every ugly, painful and tear-producing detail.

What about trusting God did you learn or notice from David’s words? How has God been your personal protector in and through difficulty? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog