Today’s reading: 1 Timothy 1:1-11

After his opening greeting to Timothy, Paul immediately turns the attention of his letter to the issue of false teaching, instructing Timothy to help the believers in Ephesus stay on course and maintain a proper perspective and accurate doctrine. In his charge to Timothy, Paul contrasts people following after pointless issues to “the stewardship from God that is by faith” (vs. 4). Those few words from Paul, and specifically the word “stewardship,” grabbed my attention. Being a steward is a big deal–actually a big responsibility. According to the dictionary ( stewardship means “the responsible overseeing and protection of something considered worth caring for and preserving.”

So what Paul is conveying and reinforcing with Timothy is the fact that God has entrusted him (and us) with His most valuable message of salvation. Thank you, Paul, for this reminder today because while I know that God has given me the Gospel message and charged me to share it with others, I don’t necessarily think of myself as a steward on a day-to-day basis.

Do you think of yourself as a “steward” of God’s message of love, grace and offer of salvation? What’s one way that you can and will be an even better steward of the message God has entrusted to you this week? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog