Today’s reading: Acts 17:16-34; Psalm 119:53; Psalm 119:136

I love Paul’s proactive approach and the initiative he takes to get the Gospel message in front of as many people as possible. And that’s precisely what we see in Acts 17 when he arrives in Athens. Paul assesses the different groups of people he observes and encounters, and then very wisely adapts how he presents the Gospel according to the specific group he is addressing.

Paul’s witness in Athens is typically what I focus on whenever I read Acts 17. But what drew my attention as I read today was what it was that prompted Paul to be so bold and proactive in Athens. Acts 17:16 states, “Now while Paul was waiting for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him as he saw that the city was full of idols.” The environment of Athens was not a godly one. As Paul observes what’s taking place around him, his heart is tremendously grieved–so much so, that it spurs him to take immediate and bold action wherever he can across the city.

To what degree is your spirit grieved and moved by the worldly environment you live and work in each day? Will you follow Paul’s example and take action to bring positive change by sharing Christ to your family, workplace, neighborhood, city? What witnessing style or approach would be best in these different environments and situations? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog