Today’s reading: 2 Timothy 1:5; Psalm 78:1-8

The first few verses of 2 Timothy 1 contain a number of lessons and truths for us to consider. One of these is found in verse 5.

“I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois and your mother Eunice and now, I am sure, dwells in you as well.”

Timothy learned about faith and having a personal relationship with Christ from his mother and grandmother. This single sentence from Paul’s letter delivers such an important message—that we must be diligent about telling our children, grandchildren, and other family members about Jesus, salvation, and faith.

The world around us boldly proclaims that our lives are all about us. It tells us that we are the most important, that we should be known, and that we deserve it all because we are the god of our lives. It’s an enticing message that resonates with the self-centered, sinful nature that resides inside each one of us. That’s why we cannot afford to be reserved or shy about sharing Christ and modeling a God-centered life to everyone in our family, especially to our children and grandchildren.

Growing up, I can’t remember a time when my parents weren’t telling me about Jesus and modeling what living for Christ looked like. Because of their example and what they regularly and consistently shared with me, I wanted to have my own relationship with Jesus. When I was eight, my mom helped me say a prayer to invite Jesus into my heart. My sweet mama is now in heaven, and I am forever grateful for her and my dad’s diligence in telling the next generations (me and my siblings and then their grandchildren) about Jesus and His love for and desire to have a relationship with me.

Will you join me in telling the generations (in and outside of your family) about Jesus? Wouldn’t it be awesome if your words changed a life for eternity today? Let’s be diligent in sharing the message of God’s love boldly and broadly! Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog