Today’s reading: Genesis 47:13-31

Joseph was a gifted leader, both for his family and for Pharaoh. As we finish out Genesis 47, the famine has hit head-on, and the people of Egypt turn to Joseph again and again as a matter of survival. The situation across the countryside is dire, but Joseph’s earlier planning saves his family and protects Pharaoh and the entire population of Egypt.

Joseph was wise in the area of conducting business. He was what I call “business savvy.” He was able to assess a situation, determine the best course of action, and then implement it. And through it all, he was caring, respectful, and loyal on all levels. Joseph was a good steward with regard to Pharaoh and his possessions while at the same time overseeing the lives and well-being of the citizens of Egypt in and through this horrific famine crisis.

Is it your practice to seek God’s direction in business matters (i.e. things concerning finances, purchases, employment, or work)? Why is this as important as seeking God in personal matters? What’s one thing regarding business decisions and matters that stood out you from Joseph’s example, and why? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog