Today’s reading: Genesis 31:17-55

Jacob’s track record with Laban has been a bit rocky. He knows how difficult Laban can be and that he’s not a man of his word. As such, when God directs Jacob to return to his homeland and tells Jacob that He will be with him (“Then the LORD said to Jacob, ‘Return to the land of your fathers and to your kindred, and I will be with you'” vs. 3), rather than being upfront with Laban, he gives in to his fears and tricks Laban in order to avoid having a confrontation.

But Jacob’s trickery and avoidance only serve to complicate an already tense situation. His deceitfulness prolongs the confrontation and fans the flame of Laban’s irritation into full-blown and dangerous anger. Thankfully, God intervenes on Jacob’s behalf, which results in a toned-down encounter where Jacob speaks truthfully and stands up for himself to Laban.

(NOTE: SAFETY FIRST! ALWAYS! Personal safety must always be a first priority and consideration when facing confrontation. When physical safety or abuse is an issue, it may be the right choice to avoid or steer clear from any form of confrontation.)

What’s one lesson about confrontation you learned from this passage? What other lessons—about fear, consequences of sin, speaking truth, God’s unconditional love, etc.—did you observe from this account? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog