Today’s reading: 1 Corinthians 12:12-31

Using the example of the human body (something we’re all familiar with), Paul continues to teach about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. His practical teaching drives home the point that God’s design is for all followers of Christ (regardless of age, race, gender, status) to function and work together as one body or group. And the beauty of God’s design is that every single part is equally important and absolutely necessary for that body to function at its best.

What did you learn about your role in the body of Christ from this passage? What important position or function do you believe God gifted you to fill? Would you say that you’re currently using your gifting to the fullest? If not, what do you need to do to function at your best within your local church body? Tami

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Source: Tami’s Blog