Today’s reading: Genesis 8:20-22

After many months cooped up in the ark, Noah, his family and all the living creatures with them are once again free to walk about on the dry ground of the earth. I can only imagine the excitement and hustle and bustle of activity as everyone and everything made their way out of the ark into the fresh air and sunlight. Noah, of course, was directing it all. And as the leader of the world, he could have allowed the circumstances and his responsibilities to consume him. But that’s not what we see. Noah doesn’t let the commotion taking place around him pull him away from God in the slightest. Instead, once Noah’s feet hit dry ground, he worships and gives thanks to God—and God is pleased.

On a scale of 1-10, how much focus and importance do you place on worshipping God? And how do you worship God? In other words, what does you worshiping look like? What benefits do you reap when you stop all activity to focus on and worship God? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog