Today’s reading: Ruth 3:6-18

The story of Ruth and Boaz reminds me a bit of a fairy tale set in a time from long ago where Boaz is the classic knight in shining armor figure. But Ruth and Boaz aren’t fictional characters. They’re real people, and the book of Ruth sets out the real life story of their relationship.

Up to this point, we’ve focused on Naomi and Ruth. Today, however, we’re turning our spotlight on Boaz. We were first introduced to Boaz in Ruth 2, and everything we’ve seen about this man from that point through chapter 3 has shown him to be a God-fearing, God-following man. Boaz is obviously respected by his men, and his interactions with those who work for him and then with Ruth demonstrate that he is honorable, considerate, caring, generous and responsible—just to point out a few excellent and desirable qualities.

What stood out to you as good and Godly qualities from Boaz’s actions and words? How would you describe being a Godly man and explain why that’s so important to a young boy or girl? How might you use and/or incorporate Boaz’s example? Tami

Source: Tami’s Blog