The Word

Citygate Conference Highlights

July 12, 2024|

This past June, our team had the privilege of attending the Citygate Network Annual Conference in Lexington, Kentucky. We provided over 9 hours of free training and distributed LiveUp Resources materials to support ministry leaders. ALL proceeds from our book sales went to Servant's Oasis. Citygate Network is North America's largest community of crisis shelters and life-transformation centers.

The Hershey House Deck is Complete

May 28, 2024|

The deck for the Hershey House is now complete! Visitors can now easily enjoy the view of the nearby grounds surrounding the Hershey House. Thank you, everyone, for following along as we continue to make improvements at Servant's Oasis and the Agape Gardens. Stay tuned for more progress updates!

The Hershey House Deck Progress

April 25, 2024|

Progress continues at the Hershey House here at Servant’s Oasis! We are excited to share that the deck for Hershey House is nearing completion, along with the new staircase connecting the deck and patio. Stay tuned for more updates!

Garden Of The Cross Update

April 17, 2024|

Milled lumber to construct the cross statue, which will stand in the Agape Gardens, has been delivered to the property! Stay tuned for updates about the Garden of the Cross.

Chapel Restoration

April 8, 2024|

The restoration of the Chapel at Servant's Oasis has been completed, and freshly painted pews were moved into the space last week.

Thank You, Life Center Ministries International!

March 28, 2024|

Servant’s Oasis received a generous donation of tables and chairs from Life Center Ministries International of Harrisburg, PA. This furniture will allow us to lead seminars and trainings in the Training Pavilion when renovations are complete.

The Hershey House Patio & Deck

March 28, 2024|

Concrete for the Hershey House’s main patio has been poured, and construction on the second-floor deck will begin very soon. This update will allow visitors to safely and comfortably enjoy the beauty of the property and water features.

The Garden of The Cross

March 1, 2024|

A large Dawn Redwood tree from the Servant’s Oasis property is currently being milled to construct a 20-foot cross, which will stand in the Agape Gardens. Once complete, the cross will have over 3,000 nails driven into its wood as a representation of our sins for which Jesus died.

Stained Glass Repair

February 1, 2024|

The restoration of the chapel's wall around the stained glass at Servant's Oasis is underway to repair water damage and preserve its intricate beauty. With meticulous attention, we're repairing the surrounding area of the glass, securing the chapel's role as a haven for spiritual reflection for future generations.

Interview with Dr. Roy Smith

November 20, 2023|

Meet Charles Lovelace. Charles leads a men’s ministry group at Perry Correctional Institution in Peltzer, SC, using Knights of the 21st Century materials provided by Servant’s Oasis through our partnership with LiveUp Resources. Your generosity this Giving Tuesday allows us to continue to equip Charles and others like him with the tools he needs to minister to his men. Listen below as Roy and Tim discuss Charles’ ministry and the impact Servant’s Oasis has had on his ability to continue to motivate and inspire his men:

Retreat Center Progress (Garden of the Cross)

November 10, 2023|

A number of trees which posed a risk to the structural integrity of the Hershey House, the chapel, and other key structures on the property have been felled. One of the trees, a beautiful Dawn Redwood, will be repurposed in the construction of a cross sculpture in the Agape Gardens. The Garden of the Cross will provide a place to surrender your sin and walk with Him.

Pond Update!

October 30, 2023|

Exciting news! Work is currently in full swing for the restoration of the upper pond in the Agape Gardens, where the splendor of this water feature will soon be revitalized to host a vibrant display of greenery and the graceful presence of koi fish. But this remarkable update wouldn't have been possible without the generosity of our supporters who have contributed to our donor drive. Their kind donations have played an integral role in making this restoration project a reality. We invite you to join us on Sunday, November 19th, for an exclusive Vision Tour of the grounds, where [...]

The Word 10/27/2023

October 27, 2023|

Our verse to DATE the Word on October 27 (10/27) is Proverbs 10:27. Proverbs 10:27 says, "The fear of the Lord prolongs days, But the years of the wicked will be shortened." FIGHTING the good fight BY FAITH, NOT FEAR! From the very beginning of Proverbs to the very end, one of the central themes is the FEAR OF THE LORD. The fear of the Lord is taught as the way to experience a blessed life here on earth.   Occasionally it is contrasted with the fool or with the wicked as it is here in Proverbs 10:27.  Most of the time we [...]

The Word 10/25/2023

October 25, 2023|

"Then Joshua said to them, "Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the LORD will do to all your enemies against whom you fight." - Joshua 10:25 FIGHTING the good fight BY FAITH, NOT FEAR! Joshua calls God's people to live lives of faith rather than to live in fear.  Yes, there are battles to fight.  Rather than letting fear paralyze us we fight by faith—trusting, and obeying God. We are not to be cowardly but courageous.  We are not to be full of fear but full of faith!  Just as Joshua was to fight by faith without fear, so too are we.  So today, obey [...]

The Word 10/18/2023

October 19, 2023|

"Because of laziness the building decays, and through idleness of hands the house leaks." - Ecclesiastes 10:18 Ecclesiastes 10:18 illustrates for us how the lazy and idle leave UNATTENDED things that NEED ATTENTION, sometimes needing immediate attention. The upkeep of buildings is left unattended for too long and they begin to decay. When one should have been working on maintaining their home they are lying around. Even with things that need immediate attention, there is inaction. As the rain falls the roof leaks, yet it is not patched, leaving a mess EVERY time. (And don't expect the idle to [...]

The Word 10/13/2023

October 13, 2023|

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.." - 1 Corinthians 10:13 1 Corinthians 10:13 teaches us that our great and awesome God is very actively involved in our lives. One of His greatest activities is providing HELP with the very real temptations we face. I like to say that our God is faithful to keep us faithful. As temptations come, God [...]

The Word 10/11/2023

October 11, 2023|

"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep." - John 10:11 The Good Shepherd GAVE His life so we could HAVE life! One of the greatest things that Jesus Christ did for us while here on Earth was revealing to us WHO HE WAS and WHAT HE DOES. In our verse to DATE, John 10:11 reveals to us that He is the GOOD SHEPHERD. A shepherd has the huge responsibility of leading, providing, protecting, and caring for the sheep. To be a shepherd means putting the sheep first and doing whatever is necessary [...]

The Word 10/6/2023

October 6, 2023|

"In as much as there is none like you, O Lord (you are great, and your name is great in might)" - Jeremiah 10:6. Every now and then we need to be reminded HOW GREAT GOD IS! The word “GREAT” conveys preeminence. It conveys being the best. We now use the term GOAT to say one is the GREATEST OF ALL TIME. Using GOAT to describe God seems weird, but GOD IS THE GREATEST OF THE "GOATS." He has been and always will be the GREATEST OF ALL TIME!! There is none like Him – no one and nothing [...]

The Word 10/31

October 31, 2022|

Sole Deo Gloria - to the glory of God alone!The Westminster Shorter Catechism begins with the question, "What is the chief end of man?"  The answer is "Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever."The answer to the all-important question finds its basis in 1 Corinthians 10:31.This is the verse of verses for the filter for all behavior.  Every thought and every word and every action is to go through 1 Corinthians 10:31.As we ponder this essential verse for life we see the word "WHATEVER."That covers any and everything!  It covers even the smallest of things like eating and drinking.The [...]

The Word 10/28

October 28, 2022|

Safe and Secure in the Hands of Jesus "I give them eternal life!" What a promise!  Do you recall those precious words of John 3:16? One would read from John 3:16 that God sent His Son that whosoever believes in Him would have eternal life and not perish!!! God sent us a Savior, giving His very own Son so that through Him we could have eternal life. Jesus came to give His life in order to give us life, here now and hereafter forever!!!  WHAT A SAVIOR! "And they shall never perish."  What a 2nd promise!  As a sinner, we completely deserve to [...]

The Word 10/27

October 28, 2022|

Getting the most out of your Days One of the central themes of Proverbs is the FEAR OF THE LORD.  From the very beginning of Proverbs in Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction, to the very end in Proverbs 31 where the virtuous woman is known and praised for fearing the Lord, (Prov. 31:30) the fear of the Lord is taught as the way to experience a blessed life here on earth.   Occasionally it is contrasted with the fool or with the wicked as it is here in Proverbs 10:27.  Most [...]

The Word 10/26

October 26, 2022|

BEING VALIANT FOR GOD with a HEART FOR GOD Any conversation about King Saul is almost always going to be negative.  After all, he is one of the few who ever gets the admission from the Lord that He "regretted that He had made Saul king over Israel."  (1 Samuel 15:35c)  As King of Israel he is known for acting foolishly and disobedient toward God. 1 Samuel 13:13 has Samuel saying to Saul, “You have done foolishly. You have not kept the commandment of the LORD your God, which He commanded you." Yes, King Saul is not one to look at or study for [...]

The Word 10/25

October 25, 2022|

The Point of Pride As I started my Christian journey 40 years ago I was taught the sad story of the RICH YOUNG RULER and a professor said what kept him from experiencing salvation was his pride.  The professor said as we witness to be aware of the POINT of PRIDE.  As the gospel is presented the lost person will have to decide to repent of what they believe and/or how they are behaving that is not in line with being a Christian.   For some, it would be the unwillingness to repent of a false belief.  As the claims of [...]

The Word 10/24

October 24, 2022|

HANDS THAT PRODUCE POVERTY VS HANDS THAT PRODUCE PROSPERITY.  The book of Proverbs will COMPARE and CONTRAST numerous relevant issues and some get very personal. For example, Proverbs will contrast the wise and the foolish. Proverbs will contrast the righteous and the wicked.  Proverbs will contrast the rich and the poor.  Proverbs will contrast the diligent and the lazy.   In Proverbs 10:4 we get what we might call a two for one.  There is a contrast between the richand the poor, and the lazy (slack hand) and the diligent.   The verse highlights the word hand for it speaks of one’s work.  Our [...]